Foggbrooke are rising legends in the alternative indie rock scene, a cross between Caribou, grizzly bear and Everything Everything, this brings a new style to mind! Can this work?! Yes. Surprisingly so, Foggbrooke amazed many when they played on the introducing stage Reading/Leeds '10, grabbing passers by with their intriguing new sound!
Starting out with just a guitar in the basement playing together, smoking and drinking excessive amounts of beer, to smashing local venues with their new style of music and small fan base. Foggbrooke needed to break out of small town 'Lutterworth' and hit the music scene hard with their new sound. With new singles out such as ‘Sacred Wars’ and ‘Suburban express’ it's inevitable! They are a different style within this genre and with their lead singer being a woman they’re not just a typical band. Foggbrooke are like a rolling stone in the snow, slowly gaining a loyal and strong fan base, including current radio legends such as Zane Lowe and Annie Mac, with this sort of support, Foggbrooke are going places and going there fast!
Hey Kog nice to see you!
Cheers, it’s good to be here.
Are you surprised and shocked to have made it this far already?
Well, yeah i guess I am. I can’t really grasp it yet, but I’m so glad we have. I mean it’s weird ‘cause it feels like yesterday when we were just fuc*ing about in Toms’ (guitarist) basement making songs and getting pissed. Now people actually know who we are, it’s crazy. I think that this is just the beginning though, I hope we can get the most out of our music.
Would you say that the band has become much more serious of recent then?
I think in some ways it has a little, like when it comes to actually making the record we try not to mess things up, but it’s not over serious, we still have a laugh whilst doing it. Well, it’s our career on the line at the end of the day if we do mess it up. We still spend alot of time fu*cking about, making songs and getting wasted though. *laughter*
So Kog, how does it feel to be the main man, or should i say woman in this new uprising band?
It’s unreal! So many new things to get used to! It still baffles me that someone might know who we are when we go out... I love it though, and I know I can speak to for the rest of the band when I say we all do!
I expect with you being the only woman in the band you get all the male attention?
Surprisingly no, James (pianist) has a really large male fan base. Gentleman’s man. *more laughter* I’m joking, but no I don’t really notice any, if I do, I consider myself to be ‘one of the lads’ anyway, what with the rest of the bands being guys.
How are you feeling about the debut release of your new album ‘Blue Coat Systems’ ?
I guess I’m mostly excited, I can’t wait for it to be released! It would be sweet if people are into our album as much as our singles, we know our music is weird, but we like it and most of our fanbase like it that way too. I couldn’t give a f*ck if some pop DJ decides it’s shit, just as long as some people enjoy listening to it, we enjoy making it.
How does it feel knowing that you have other big popular DJ’s like Annie Mac and Zane Lowe fully backing the release of your new album?
It’s immense, I couldn’t believe it when I heard. It’s good to know that we have support from people who can get us noticed by promoting our songs. It’s brilliant that they actually like us though.
A little rumour has been going around that Foggbrooke are going on tour, can you confirm this?
Yes, I can. We’re going to start just before summer, and head all around the country and Ireland. Our gig list should be up on our site before the end of the week. We would love to do some festivals again this year, I mean that would be incredible! Personally I’d love to do Reading and Leeds again, they were nuts, it was such a laugh. In the future though, Glastonbury is somewhere I wouldn’t say no to playing!
How was it for you playing at a festival last year? You played on the BBC introducing stage, and were very popular.
The hype of everything at a festival is just brilliant anyway, even when you just go with your mates for the weekend...but actually playing in front of an audience there was amazing, everyone gets so into it, and nobody holds back I think that’s why I enjoyed doing it so much.
Would you say it was better than a normal gig then?
I wouldn’t say that as they are totally different atmospheres. At a festival people get more into it, and the atmosphere is so much more nuts and everyone is just doing their own thing. When you’re just playing a gig though, the audience get more involved and dedicated to the music. I love playing them both as much as each other!
Are you planning on doing another album straight the way?
Well, we’re going to wait to see how well this one does first, but I expect that we will be writing loads on our tour and we have some we didn’t put on ‘Blue Coat Systems’. If this album takes as much as our singles, and people want more, we are happy to keep going!
Well thanks for meeting up with me kog, and good luck with the Album and tour! I’m sure it’ll be massive!
Yeah, thanks!